Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Well, I’ve watched it over and over again, but I still can’t find any redeeming feature in the Dairy Milk Trucks advert. As you’re no doubt well aware, it is the long awaited follow up to last year’s brilliant Gorilla TV and viral ad. Like Gorilla Trucks is beautifully filmed, with lavish cinematography. Like Gorilla there is no particular link with the product (although the Gorilla was sitting in a purple, gold and white studio), only the ‘moment of unmistakable joy’ that eating chocolate brings. That, unfortunately, is where the similarities end.

Even when he was just sitting waiting for about thirty seconds at the beginning of the ad, Gorilla demanded your attention. He oozed character and there was something about him that was captivating not just on the first viewing, but every time the ad was aired. Gorilla was deservedly a critical and viral sensation, and even though Dairy Milk was not an important part of the commercial, everyone knew what was being advertised and remembered the product.

Trucks, on the other hand has all the character and joy you would expect from something set in an airport. According to the marketing boys at Cadbury:

We’ve brought the high speed excitement of a Hollywood car chase to these
slow-moving airport trucks. It’s a magical piece of film designed to bring a
smile to your face. The production is set to make unlikely stars out of the
humble airport trucks much as we did with our drumming gorilla.

Yeah, if you say so lads. The only thing it has in common with Hollywood is that it is so tedious to sit through it feels like an overlong feature film. it is the kind of slick, soulless dirge that is so bland it easy to ignore and forget even while actively watching it. But unlike Gorilla, there is no reason to watch it at all. Apparently they spent three weeks pimping the trucks, used 140 crew members and 240 lights to create the effects, but instead of spunking millions on an ad that looks like it was made with CGI or toy cars they could have achieved the same effect by spending a fiver on a pack of Hot Wheels or filmed what goes on at most Sainsbury’s car parks on a Friday night.

If you don’t believe me see for yourself, you can’t say you haven’t been warned:


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